Cat Mojo

My painting class is not going as planned.  In my first five week session, I came home energized and excited, even if I didn’t like my paintings so much.

This session I have to keep reminding myself they are not all masterpieces.

Take my cat painting, or paintings to be more accurate. Done from a photo I took of one of the barn cats at Arrowhead Stables, I loved my sketch. 

Our first class was on putting a mat around your painting by blurring the corners with paint.  First try….muddy, too many colors, too much.  

Second try.  Too many hard edges.

When I came home from class, I tried to “fix” the first painting, only succeeding in making it worse.  Usually there is a freedom in tackling an unhappy painting.  You can try anything you want……not this time.  Think I can find a greeting card in the head on this second version of the first painting.

This week we worked on adding texture to a painting using different techniques.  I started with a Sandhill Crane that turned into a muddy mess.  Then I tackled the cat again. A bit better, but feeling my mojo is getting a bit distracted or diluted.   

What to do to get it back? Take a break, paint more, change up my palette?  Any suggestions?
“Did You Art Today?”